A Two-Day Training for Therapists
This is the official introductory course designed for therapists interested in training in Imago Relationship Therapy and who want to experience the model.
This course is a couples training in its own right and also counts as the first two days of the Basic Clinical Training in Imago Relationship Therapy. If you decided to go on to the full training, the price of this course would be discounted from the price of the clinical training.
What does the course cover?
The course introduces the key ideas of Imago Relationship Therapy and over the two days teaches how to use the Imago Dialogue process with clients in full.
The dialogue process is a solid and profound way of moving your clients into connection whilst providing safety for both you and them.
The course also covers:
- The essential conditions that need to be met when working with couples
- The five processes that support work with couples
- Key aspects of Imago Relationship Therapy practice
Who is delivering the training?
The course is delivered by Kalanit Ben-Ari in London and Ian Tomlinson in Manchester. Both Kalanit and Ian are Advanced Imago Clinicians and workshop presenters. They assist on the full Clinical Training in Imago Relationship Therapy.
Facilitators: Kalanit Ben-Ari (London) and Ian Tomlinson (Manchester)
Email: kalanit.benari@gmail.com and ian@affinitycentre.co.uk
Tel: 07917 405703 (Kalanit) | 07966 390857 (Ian)
Workshop Schedule